Just a few weeks ago, I noticed a new billboard being placed and it caught my A-ttention indeed! The model in the billboard is not a local or international celebrity, she seems to be a random-not-known print model. The photo was simple - a girl standing in a grass field.
What really caught my attention is the caption in the billboard - DENIM SPA. At first it sounded like a massage spa/parlor...but heck noh! It's a new type of jeans from Wrangler. Then my eyes went $$$$$$$$$. When curiosity strikes I normally consult Mr. Google. I've read few articles about the jeans and it really sounds like wonderland. Good Lord!!! Why oh why send me that message thru a billboard? How can I ever resist the urge of buying a pair of jeans?
Jeans are my second skin when I go to work. My comfy outfit will always be shirt+jeans+sneakers.
Now now, since my birthday is upcoming I was thinking of what to buy for myself. Could the answer be....a denim spa jeans?! Let's see in the coming days
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