Oh well...I just wanted to read again what I said back then. However, I found the other entry dated 2009 - click here.
I still have the same things to say to Papa. As time passes, I get to know you more and by that I appreciate you more. Gone is my fear towards you - now I am so eager to hear your stories and spend time with you. I admire the man in you Pa. I thank you for all your sacrifices for the family, for giving up some of your dreams, for choosing a simple & quiet life --- I am grateful for the man in you.
Thank you for granting me the FREEDOM. You have always let me do things my way, you let me explore my capacities, and you let me enjoy life as I should. I cannot really explain in words how thankful I am to you Pang. You let my ears listen to music from your generation to mine, you let my eyes see the beauty of nature when we bike around the island before, you let my imagination play, you let me taste the grandeur of your cooking, you let my hands paint and draw, you let me climb trees and our roof, you let me do carpentry and electric works, you let me laugh with your jokes & witty punch lines, you let me discover the stories of our family when you narrate your childhood life (i love it when you tell stories - my eyes would glow in excitement), you let me experience what it is to serve others, you let me join different activities, you let me fail and do mistakes, you let me learn on my own, you let me grow in my world... and you have always let me know and let me feel that you are there for me Pang whatever happens.
I think I am a reflection of you. Seriously Pang! Can't you see? We both love to cook. We are good in writing -- I found some of your written poetry and quotes (hehe). We are suckers for music. We have green thumbs. You and I are good in drawing. We are stubborn. We even think the same way most of the time. We hate getting sick. We don't like resting - there's always something productive that we must do. I have inherited a lot of traits from you, believe me.
Oh well there's much more to tell. For now, I'll end it here since I must spend some time with sleep. Happy Father's Day Papa
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