Tuesday, March 26, 2013 0 comments

MusicBoxDiary: Blackbird

One of my favorite Beatles song - Blackbird.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night 
Take these broken wings and learn to fly  
All your life  
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
Blackbird singing in the dead of night  
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see  
All your life  
You were only waiting for this moment to be free
Blackbird fly, blackbird fly  
Into the light of the dark black night

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly  
Into the light of the dark black night

Blackbird singing in the dead of night  
Take these broken wings and learn to fly  
All your life 
You were only waiting for this moment to arise  
You were only waiting for this moment to arise  
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Monday, March 25, 2013 0 comments

i drank the kool aid

There's something about the 50's, 60's and 70's. I couldn't tell exactly what but I felt like I am born between those years. I am mesmerized with the people, the trend, the music, the stories that I get to hear (i can picture out the scenario in my head like i was there), the second-hand memories that are stored safely in my head and something more.

Maybe I just got an old soul. Maybe.

 On bad days, I take comfort in the past. It's one of the things in life that I am sure of - I'm sure that I was there, I felt what I felt, I get to experienced being touched, and it was all real. I even try to recall the oldest memories of my childhood. Oh how I enjoyed my freedom! Oh how much I was loved! 

I strongly believe that the capacity of a child's mind to imagine and explore is boundless. I was given the freedom to dream, to play, and to explore. I was allowed to draw in the plywood walls of our house without being scolded, my grandparents would provide me with unlimited stock of chalk everyday. I was so fascinated of how big my canvass was and so I kept doodling, scribbling, and writing. I was given books that I could read, color and cut in my every whim. I was allowed to play with the other kids in the neighborhood and every afternoon we would all go to our house because my grandma always prepare something for snack. I was allowed to have pets - I cuddled dogs and cats. I was allowed to ride a bike! I was allowed to climb trees. I was allowed to sit-in and participate in the advance classes of my grandparents and I would mingle with kids that is more than 5 years older than me. I was allowed to watch my grandpa dissect animals for his Science project. I was sent to piano classes on weekends and took lessons on ukelele for a while. I was allowed to play during brownouts - we would hide in the cabinets and dress up the pillows that it would look like a person. I was allowed to assist my granny when she prepares food and what I enjoyed most was when I get to stir the hotcake mix. 

I can go on and on with this story-telling without losing a boost from my energy. But I'd like to end this post with a tribute to the two people that I wish I could have known during their early years. I wish I was there when they were young. I wish we were friends. I wish I made life less difficult for them. I wish I made them smile with my silliness. I wish I could have cooked for them. I wish I could have done things with them - things that are best at, I wish I could have hold them longer. I wish I could have shared pictures with them.  I just wish that I was there during the years before age consumed them.

I give credit to my grandma and grandpa. I was able to experience the best of both worlds! 
A grandchild like me could not wish for anything more aside from TIME.

Then poof! Life happened - they passed on. I struggled to bring the pieces together. At 10 years old I didn't understand what death means. I wished someone could have explained it to me. I wished someone made me understand better. Because it seems that something in me died along with them as well. I am less of a person. I blamed myself on their death for some reasons. I was lost. I was broken. And I have always longed for my grandparents' love, touch, voice and presence. 

Years piled up and here comes today. 


memo that

If the Grammy's got a NO-SHOW of “bare fleshy under curves of the buttocks” and “bare sides or under curvature of the breasts” dress code memo and so does the company I work for when we were scheduled for a photo shoot. We were advised to wear polo shirts for men and formal blouse for women. 

Then the halo above my head just sparkled ^_^
Yeah, I can obediently go by what the memo says. And so I showed up the next day and just got out-of-place in the photo shoot. hahaha.

Sorry, my legs didn't got the memo ^_^

PHL Team Leads. All Rights Reserved. 2013.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013 0 comments

throwback weekend with college friends

It's been 5 years more or less since the last time we got together. After college we went on our separate careers. Arra (n blue) is a teacher in Malita and a mother of 2. Eisel (in brown) decided to go back to Malita as well after 2-3 years of working in Davao - she's a radio jock. Sofia (in stripes) stayed in Davao to work in BPO companies and sadly we bump to each other not very often. While I (in red), still lives in Samal and works in the same company in Davao for about 7 years now.

Padz works in Samal and a mother of 1. Judy works in Davao - I think she's running her own company (coolness!). Nida and Kareen are working overseas.

That spoiler face! ha-ha-ha
In the count of 3 i decided to pose this way and it ruined the shot! but we got a lot of laughs out of it. good enough.

After a very sumptuous lunch at Grab a Crab, we went to our next pit stop - BlueJazz Resort in Samal.

Padz came with little Amry!!!

 No, we didn't drank any of these.

 Pirate Boat

 AHOY there!

presenting Justin Bber! hahaha


Tuesday, March 19, 2013 0 comments

how old are we again?

It took us a lot of failed & spoof shots before we got into this kefi.

And I bet it would take a very loooooooooooong time for us to realize that we should be acting by our age. boooohooo! On with the jump shots!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013 0 comments

[imho series] fruits from the ICON

Excerpts from the SFC 2013 ICON - OBEY and WITNESS

We are all invited for a purpose-driven life. 
A man can be happy in life with the fulfillment of his dreams - career, material possessions, love live, family life, good friends, travels, and more. On the other hand, a man can also be happy in life with the fulfillment of his purpose - giving/sharing his time, talent and treasure to others and having a life in service. I learned that the higher form of happiness is fulfilling our purpose. Which of the two are we then?
In our life, we get invited in many forms. We are invited to fulfill our dreams and purpose. A simple tap in the shoulder could be an invitation, a favor asked by a friend could be an invitation, a job opportunity could be an invitation, having an option could be an invitation, losing loved ones can be an invitation, pain and suffering could be an invitation, blessings could be an invitation, and a lot more. Can you identify your invitations?

I'd like to site my personal experiences. I consider the simple invite in joining Singles for Christ as in invitation for a life in service and an invitation to know God. I consider the opportunity of working in the local government as an invitation to serve. I consider my wait for married life as an invitation to explore more my single-hood. And there's plenty more of invitations.

The key also in every invitation is how we respond. A YES or a NO or an ABSTAIN could make a difference. Imagine if Mama Mary said no when God chose her to bear Jesus? That simple YES changed humanity until to the present times.

So in every invitation that comes to us, take notice of the message and RESPOND. 

The key in obedience is to LISTEN.
One of the best trait of an obedient person is having the ability to listen before taking an action, before giving an answer or opinion, and before reaching a conclusive thought. This applies also on how we listen to God's message - to the prayers He answers and to those left unanswered. One can find greater wisdom when a person knows how to listen.

When something is taken from you, give more.
If we lose what we consider important and precious, we have a tendency of taking a stronger grip of what we have left. We hesitate giving. We cling to them more strongly so we can avoid of losing them. I learned that in these moments, God is working in our life. He is trying to empty us. He is inviting us for a life in humility and obedience. So in times that something is taken from us... just GIVE MORE and you will be BLESSED MORE.

I came to realize this after hearing a story of a woman with a father being kidnapped. They lost their wealth for the ransom money and yet her father was not returned. During those testing times, I imagined that if I were her, I would have stayed by my family's side even more. But you know what the woman did? She left her family and served in a distant place to preach God's word - a tragedy did not stop her from giving. 

Overflow to Share.
When we are being blessed let us also become a blessing to others by sharing. For me, I believe that every thing makes sense when shared. And so I continue to pray that God will bless me with opportunities and graces so that I may be able to share it to my family, friends, work mates and whoever needs a little sign of hope and happiness in life.

The experiences and struggles of others humbles me.
In the ICON, the experiences of the sharers are beyond from what I have imagined. I grew shy in front of God for my petty complains when there's another person who has greater burden and yet remained grateful.

A sister went multiple facial surgeries and yet she is thankful for the accident as she continue to see herself beautiful in the eyes of God while I - I rant when a pimple grows in my face.

A brother who served years in jail found his way out from darkness and is now leading and serving in the SFC community while I - I who is free but decides to be chained to my alibis, weakness and stubbornness to serve.

Become a WITNESS of God to others.
Have we witnessed God's miracles and doings in our lives? Have we witnessed the people that He sent as instruments to help us get our purpose fulfilled? Let us take time in acknowledging these people... these people who we witness God in.

In the same way, let others bear witness of God's greatness through us. That is the challenge!

God restores us.
Our God is forgiving. Our God is loving. Our God never changes. And His never ending love restores us.



Okay, I've decided to start this series that I will call IMHO SERIES - short for "in my humble opinion". How cool is that right! \m/ Hey I am cheering for myself here...so bear with me :)

It's nothing different from my usual posts - it's all blabber. But the catch is I will try to be pretty serious in this series. Yeah... I hope I would sound sensible.
