Monday, November 1, 2010 0 comments

rebuilding the ruins

I'd like to thank my father for letting me do the painting & designing -as've given me much freedom in all the things I'd like to do, in what you think I can do, and you wanted me to do. Thanks to my brother for doing most of the guy stuffs. Thanks to Mama for watching & checking.
So I'd say...its a home sweet home

Early this year - construction began

Divided my old big room into 2 rooms

Replaced the front wall

French windows

My hang out place with new overhead kitchen cabinets

Extended roof & ceiling of front house

Painting of the roof by brother & Papa

Indoor painting (Kay)

Doing all the details

Finished! Summer Sunshine theme ;)

Chill out with my dog - Fara. She loves my room :)

P.S. If you're wondering where all my money ends...please scroll up :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010 1 comments


nem·e·sis (noun) - A source of harm or ruin

To you,

You've completed your oh-so-famous scheme and having me as the victim this time. Sending a report in my behalf is something I did not expect. Maybe because I have laid all my cards down - trusting and being friends with you. I won't overrate things but it was a FOUL move, truly is. And the worst thing is you won't admit that what you did was wrong, you have your reasons...all I want is for you to acknowledge that you stepped over the borders. You must have forgotten that we don't work in the same department and you don't have any idea of my job description. R-E-S-P-E-C-T and work E-T-H-I-C-S -- you better google them up.

Eventually, true colors will show and your camouflage faded. What an unpleasant view.

Here's my reply to your back-stabbing, ungrateful, bitter and kiss-ass attitude --- you are trying to drown a fish. You have to get your hands dirty and do all the odds to bring me down. I love my work, I love my work mates (you're not one of them)...and I'm feeling all the love is coming back to me.

So whatever your intentions are, to hell with it! I'm having the time of my life and enjoying this party of which by the way you're not invited.

Monday, October 11, 2010 2 comments

checked list

I have a biggy secret...shhh. I've always wanted to wear a 2-pc swim suit in a beach. Hahaha.
So before this curves and youth of mine I go.

Sunday, September 26, 2010 0 comments

last minute curtain call

For the past months, my life has been a routine. Not that i'm bored with it. It's just that nothing extraordinary happened, which is not so-like me.

So when I was again called to organize for a fiesta event, i said YES right away. It will be my escape from my desktop, test scripts, system logs and adapter monitoring. Though I wouldn't get paid at all, I know that I'd be of BIG help so for the second time I joined the team of organizers. This year was a lot more exhausting and troublesome. I had to take a leave from work and spend extra hours to extend my service.

I was suppose to be the EVENT DIRECTOR of our district's pageant search. Due to emergency purposes I have to play extra parts:
1. Create a concept for the stage design
2. Create/design invitations, trophies, tarpaulins
3. Write letters
4. Create picture and video presentations
5. Create and manage the flow of the program
6. Analyst for the computerized tabulation
7. Accompany the candidates in their practices and community activities

And last but not the least, HOST for the show. It was a last minute call. The suppose to be host did not respond a day before our show. Then I realized that all fingers are pointing on me. They said that it would be better if I host since I exactly know the program, the candidates and their activities, and the entire happenings for the pageant.

At first I had to say NO because it would require me to wear a dress :) But later on, NO was no longer an option so I called my friend - Lester. I would never get on stage with a different partner and so is he. We have the chemistry and we knew each other since were five (5) so it would feel a little less scary on stage. Good thing he approved so we had a very quick rehearsal of spiels.

The show was unforgettable and the experience of hosting was a BLAST! Lester and I had so much fun and we knew that it won't be the last time seeing us together on stage.

A bottle of beer helped boosting our confidence ;)

Saturday, September 18, 2010 0 comments


Who would have thought that 3 years would be that quick.
It's a joyride that I won't exchange for anything else
No matter how sick it feels or how crazy it becomes
My seat belts are fastened tight!!!

So let's hold on for more <3

for you... level-up na ang kitchen prowess ko

my very first chicken cordon bleu

happy anniversary

4 years tayo pero 3 years straight na walang break up. hehe

Friday, September 17, 2010 0 comments

1,095 days

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 0 comments



the first steps of leaving would be the heaviest to take
and of not looking back at you is the scariest
i have memorized your face in every angle
but still, im not sure if how long will i be able to remember it

if seasons change then so does a heart
i grew tired of painting rainbows in your skies
when you dont even mind looking...not even one look
and being here doesn't make sense anymore

true, life is a single skip of JOY
i had my share of strides so im taking that skip now
you brought horrible giggles and a death march towards hell (H. Roth)
do i keep you entertained? im taking a bow in this play

and if ever you found me still standing by your doormat
then only God know's why


Team QA

(left to right: Karren, I.C., Joyce, Beth, Kay)
Monday, May 31, 2010 0 comments

warning: toxic level HIGH

test mic...

it's been awhile since my last blog post and here i am wondering on where to start this empty piece of text pad.

oh well...much have happened for the past months. it's quite mind blowing! and i'm still in the state of shock here so expect non-sense thought from me. i just know that i need to write...i gotta drain the toxic in my head. argh!

Monday, April 12, 2010 0 comments

idle mode

blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comBeen so busy after the job promotion...I guess this is part of the career step up. So being idle can be reasonable.

Life Updates:
I had a blast with my family this weekend. Star City's Star Flyer is one of the MUST remember experience.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 1 comments

feeling even more lucky!!!

Below are the four MAJOR sponsors of Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary contest:

I Am Buraot
A blog about politics, the environment, religion, philanthropy, and everything else that is life. Author is known for his generosity in sponsoring contests. The home of the famous EntreDropper.

Anak Ni Kulapo
Yet another blog of Buraot. If you want to die laughing, then go visit Anak Ni Kulapo. His life in the US and hilarious stuff about his home country are only two of the must-sees in this blog.

Seiko's Diary
The blog title says it all. This is Seiko's journal about being a mom to her five gorgeous kiddos, her take on life in general, and random musings of a woman who loves life.

Mom Conversations
A new blog about everything concerning mothers: pregnancy, health and fitness and babies are the current categories, under which are detailed articles containing tips and valuable information for moms everywhere.

Please drop by these blogs if you have the time and see why they are worthy of a special mention. :)



I was such a crybaby in my younger years :17:. So as i was growing up i trained my tear ducts very hard to not give in easily.

Last Saturday was an exception.

It was my grandfather's burial. Everybody's doing fine in the beginning of the ceremonies. But when testimonials were given, everybody broke to tears and I am one of them. I spared myself the chance to grieve. Farewell Lolo Moring! We are all in gratitude for your love, affection and sacrifices. Have a safe trip to heaven's gate.


am feeling lucky!!!

BIG Blogversary Contest

Level 1 Sponsors:
I Am Buraot : Anak Ni Kulapo : Seiko's Diary : Mom Conversations

Level 2 Sponsors:
Azumi : Fab Momma : Mara's Personal Bubble : Mara's Appetite : The Pinay Blogger @ Home : Diva Fabulosa : Best Vacation Places : Momma Wannabee : Advising Writers :United World Poets : A Mom's Life and Loves : The Blogger Hub : : Travelin' With Marie : Happy Thoughts, Happy Tot : Stalking Mind : Living Life To The Fullest : Online Mommy's Corner : Her And History : Careless Whispers : In My Psyche : My Quality Day : Just Throw Money : My Journey To Life : Cotton Candy Buzz : The Mommy Journey : Super Gulaman : Pen, Paper and Pan : Niko's Blog : Lover's Mushroom : Yena's World : Girls Rule! : Online Trends Now : Husband of A Blogger : Glitter Page : Here Comes The Bride : Heart Random : Novice On Blogging (Noob) : At Home Here : Sexy Blogging : My Camerasexy : Dishes By Pehpot : Wonder Wifey : Coffee, Anyone? : Clarisse After Dark : Jena Isle's Random Thoughts : Where The Moon Shines : Crossroads.. Where Ideas Meet : Simple Pero Rock : It's not always about me... : Pinay Mommy Online : A Woman Remembers :
Beng's Entertainment Spree : Yashiro : My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf : Embrace Life : How I Earn Money Online

Thursday, February 25, 2010 0 comments

adventure checklist for 2010

February 20, 2010 - BEach Outing plus war games :1:

January 17, 2010 - MOuntain Hike to a Lumad village in Calinan, Davao :26:
